          You need to learn the lesson from the crime of USA lie When any office cannot find a mankind to take that seat or to take that desk or to take that stand, that means that office, that seat, that stand must have to be torn down, must have to be removed, must have to be dis 酒肉朋友appeared. Remember Chinese said "0.缺.5.Nun" (That how you need to demand your sucking "Mean.Jean.Down" ["Two Parties" is the crime of "Job.Ugly" committed by powerful forceful richest 酒店打工 USA liars that already misleading USA to lie down; not mention your sucking "Mean.Jean.Down" rooted tooled abused by the lie of "Lead.Done.Wheel" personal gain and gang.] to be torn down.) ; you rathe 帛琉r your entire nation gone than have your nation to commit that "Sun.Ten.High.Lead" "Inn.Sheng.Young.Swine" crimes.There's no man is perfect, therefore, none of us need to be perfect, but every one of us must have to have that 會場佈置 best will to make up the crime, the mistake, the wrong doing that made by anyone of us. USA has to do its best back to the George Washington time to demand every one to be honest, to kill any liar at that crime scene, that means every female and/or e 買屋very Black who occupying public office, who run for any public office must be killed immediately, and set the schedule to refund (You cannot even make refund to the death, you cannot defend that woman death and the blood left behind her must deserved marriage right, how 591dare you allow anyone to have any sucking right to defend or attack any dead body under your government authority place. "Suck.Ren.償.Mean"? You have to do it by your self, you must have no right to demand your sucking government to abuse its power or authority to do it for you; and you have to sho 婚禮顧問w you can have best will and best skill do the kill more merciful way than that 償 in order to deserve your "Mean") all tax dollar, all fee that government (It is the duty of government to service every one "good or evil" "smart or stupid" "strong or weak" "old or young" "integrity or less integrity" under governm 結婚ent watch, therefore, government must have no right to ban or fine or punish but service with best will and best skill; and rely on every individual citizen to do the duty to kill at that individual mad, hate, care, love. ) ever got from anyone back to that anyone, and kill anyone who dare collect any payment from any home owner, that mea 結婚西裝ns every thing inside people's home must be absolute free of charge; you don't have that best will to offer free service to the people, you don't deserve to form any nation, not mention to be any free nation's citizen.    .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租屋網  .

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